Frequently Asked Questions

For just $3.50 per pay you can become a member and part of New Zealand largest employee based sporting organisation. Your contributions go into a national pool which is managed by a national committee. A portion of your contributions also get returned to your district to be managed by a District committee.

Funds are used for individuals, teams and to assist with hosting national events that are open to all police employees. As a financial member you will receive free or discounted entry fees for national events. At a district level PS also assist with the purchase and maintenance of equipment in your local gym. I don’t know many gyms that only charge $3.50 per fortnight for membership.

Yes, any employee of the NZ Police can become a member of Police Sport.

Membership is open to all serving and retired Police employees. Our vision is to provide support and assistance to all members of our organisation, and we are driven to increase our membership across the board. The Commissioner is a passionate supporter of PS and as your boss he wants all his staff to be active and healthy.

Police Sport (PS) and the Police Association work closely together to provide support to over 20 sports including Rugby, Netball, Hockey and Cricket. The relationship between the Association and PS is strong and both partners are looking to the future to build on our combined capabilities.

Yes, as guest participants, but they are not eligible for Police Sport trophies or other benefits. They cannot be selected as members of national police teams.

Yes, but they should be encouraged to join Police Sport. It is reasonable to expect them to pay a greater fee than Police Sport members to participate and many codes do charge a higher entry fee to tournaments.

Simply complete the Retired Members Registration form. There is a $35.00 annual membership fee that should be paid at the time of your registration or by posting it to the General Manager, Police Sport, Royal New Zealand Police College, Private Bag 50906, PORIRUA 5240.

Police Sport have a bi-monthly electronic report on how our money is being spent. The report also contains news stories from around the country of our members participating in their chosen sports.

No, members must take leave, DDOs etc. The Commissioner can give special leave to NZ representatives under special circumstances.

Yes, they should contribute. Much of Police Sport’s funds go back to districts to be used across all contributors. The elite few who compete at national level and therefore get more out of Police Sport than the other members should make a greater personal contribution.

Police Sport members can make applications to their District Sports Reps. Those reps have discretion as to how they spend their funds.

All that the National Management Committee wants is for someone to volunteer to co-ordinate the activities of the sport (ie. be a Sport Code Rep). The Committee would be most grateful to anyone taking on this role. The General Manger can assist with this to help minimise the workload.

They do not formally exist but some codes still have tournaments between the other services, and police are often invited to attend those tournaments. There is nothing to stop police teams playing against teams from the other services. The Sport Code Reps could even invite the other services to compete in tournaments hosted by police.


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